2014 Trend Deathwatch

You grew up in the 80s and 90s. Suddenly, everything you knew and loved is becoming obsolete. Here are the things I used to use that are now officially on the 2014 Trend Deathwatch!

  • Bookshelves
  • DVD/Blu-Rays
  • Dumb Watches
  • Keys
  • Identification Cards
  • Landlines
  • Desktop Computers

By Ethan Machado

Welcome to TapCool, the personal website of Ethan Machado. I’m a former Missouri Journalism award-winning writer turned UX designer (but you can call me a content designer or UX writer if it makes you feel better), who loves working at the intersection of technology, design, and content. If you’re looking for a strategic and dependable creative leader, I am the human you seek.